I'm just about a dozen posts old and its been around 6 mths since i took up blogging..Well as u can see i'm still an amateur, trying my hand at writing about different things and gaining experience and insight into blogosphere.
From what i've noticed that every blogger has some things in common...actually a lot of things in common..Right from when a person starts thinking to blog to the time he reads the comments on his blog a million things go about in his head..Its usually something which he/she wants to share with the world and is so excited or depressed, that comes out with a blog which is pages long venting his frustation or showing his jubilation in it..But I guess the best blog is written when a person has nothing in particular to write about but still just blogs to feel good or rather feels good after blogging!Another thing i've noticed is unlike articles in newspapers or mags a blogger never edits or atleast minimally edits..he likes it to keep it in the original form..Its the personal experience written "in the flow" which makes blog-reading such a pleasurable experience..And then comes the most pivotal part..Comments ! Its human nature to expect..but a blogger can range from being a little greedy to the point of being torturous on his readers to comment..nothing short of it..!All in one..blogging brings out the hidden persona..no one can shy from it..
ps - the above opinion is purely personal and exceptions are plenty (which dont always rule !)
Rightly said and beautifully written...
Being a blogger myself, for quite sometime now, I can identify with this post of yours.
But more than anythin, I feel, bloggin helps one grow and survive on the Island of creativity n self discovery.
With the advent of video games, IPODs, MP3s, pirated DVDs and more additions to the list; the basic essence of writin has been lost. Also, I blame it on our stereotyped way of studyin which has forced us to learn without questionin and sometimes without thinkin!
So, I believe bloggin is necessary for survival.
For atleast once it makes ya, ur own master!
Thanks for your wonderful insights. I am quite new to blogging (and had never been good at writing ?) But I have a long experience of writing a diary. One of the most enjoyable things is reading one's old diaries. I hope the same will be true for blogs! One of the immediate benefits of blogging that I have experienced is: I have become a better reader. What is your experience ?
i think writing a diary is usually considered more personal than a blog..nonetheless both of them make u feel good..so just go on...
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