"SADDAM HUSSEIN - CAUGHT" (Published Academia 2004 issue - Omkar Hajirnis ,Sem VIII)
(One murder makes a villain : million a hero -Porteus)
As I woke up to the call of the nice sunny morning ,the newspaper on the table showed headlines of some major event.I picked it up and the headlines read"Saddam Hussein- Caught".What everyone expected to be a massive rapid fire action from both sides turned out to be a squeaky description of Saddam crouched in the dark,in a small underground room not far from his hometown in Iraq.What amazed me most was that though Saddam possessed a gun,no attempts were made to fire and a "bloodless" surrender was made without a single bullet fired.
As I eased back into my chair,I wondered how could such a powerful,monstrous man give up so easily as a rat.I;m sure all of us thought this was quite strange and surprising.That time my mind wavered to all kinds of thoughts that,was he the "real" Saddam ? Why did he surrender so easily ? Why didn't he commit suicide even when he could easily do so ? Somehow the pieces did not fit together.It was blur to me as the rest of the world which was as much flabbergasted and couldn't fathom the story.
Soon my thoughts started flowing and I wondered what must be Mr Saddam Hussein be thinking when he sat alone in that dark,dirty room.How difficult it must be for him after all those years of hardship,first to grow as a leader,then to consolidate his position and then to command over the entire nation,to become the 'One man army' of Iraq.This wasn't surely what the Saddam Hussein we all knew would have done.Or was he waiting to be caught or rather did he want to get caught ? I zapped up at my own thought.It was then I started looking up at the story from this point of view and it definitely did put some of the jig-saws into their place.
Could Mr Saddam Hussein have plotted or planned the whole war ? With the Americans and others just pulled into it given the lucrative status of Iraq as a major oil supplier.Could be,why not ? Given a thought that losing the '92 Gulf War ,Saddam must be only a fool if he did not realize that he did not possess the power or strength to fight the U.S troops.But what the Americans did not acknowledge was they could be fooled into getting involved in a whirlwind which would pull them inside and rip them apart.
If we look from this side of the story,we might be seeing the success of a highly placed calculated risk plotted by Saddam which has nicely paid off.I would not be surprised if Saddam could have well,planned to attract the U.S to fight him.But then what would be his motive in doing so ? Well,he could gain the world sympathy as well as go on and topple the U.S and British economies which he has mildly succeeded in doing.
As far as I can think from this view,his plan was straight and simple.Firstly,to induce the U.S to attack.Next he could have blinded the world and made his plan look like a full fledged war by mounting up minor oppositions to the U.S troops in certain sectors.But the most pivotal part would have been to make it sure that the Americans would fail to discover any weapons of mass destruction in this country.Not only because it would evoke world attention but also it would defeat the whole purpose of his plan of projecting Iraq as a weak,innocent nation crushed by an enormously powerful nation.
Now that Saddam has been captured,the U.S would be satisfied enough but it could well be a blessing in disguise;For what they would not be prepared for is hardcore attack by Saddam directly to the masses to gain the much needed public sympathy.Added to this ,is the rapidly emerging civil car against the U.S regime which is synergistic to Saddam's cause.
In the end,I think the U.S would have to lose much more than Iraq even if they satisfy themselves about victorious in the war or should I say a 'Pseudo-war'.As far as Mr Saddam Hussein is concerned he has done his job to his nation and could well be smiling his way to the gallows.
P.S- The above article is my personal viewpoint and I as such,do not support any of the two opposing nations and strongly condemn the inhuman act called 'war' which they have indulged in.
Epilogue : This article has been written 3 yrs back,way before Saddam was hanged.Considering the still on going civil war against the U.S and the wide spread hatred for them, I guess the article's not too off the mark !
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